Oracle on the Web, Part 4 – Upgrading HTML DB

In part 4 of the HTML DB
series, I will cover the steps of upgrading to version 1.6 and creating a
simple Web service. The upgrade/installation steps come straight out of the
March 2005 Oracle® HTML DB Installation Guide, Release 1.6. The steps to create a simple Web service are from the Oracle®
2 Day Developer
document also available on the OTN Web site. In the last article, I mentioned
the patch set for version 1.6. The patch set is available via MetaLink, so if
you do not have access to Oracle Support Services, obtaining this patch may be
a problem.

As a tip, locating the patch
set number or file name can be somewhat of a chore when using the search
interface at Patches & Updates. If the link for the patch does not work, look
at the page source (the HTML code) and see where the hyperlink is supposed to
send you. It turns out that the name of the zipped patch file is


at least now you know the name of the file to look for. The complete URI is:…

Pre-installation steps

The steps are few and easy
to perform: ensure the shared pool is large enough, and that XML DB and Oracle
Text are installed.

For checking the shared pool
(at least 100MB), use the show parameter[s] command:

Oracle XML DB and Oracle
Text must be installed (done for you if you used the Database Configuration
Assistant). Each feature has it own set of developer guides in the RDBMS
documentation set. Look for Oracle Text Application Developer’s Guide under the
hyperlink in the list of books (it appears as "Text Application Developer’s

There are several ways to
determine if you have XML DB and Oracle Text installed. One way is to start the
Universal Installer and look at the list of installed products.

Another way is to query
dba_users, and if CTXSYS and XDB appear, chances are their respective objects
are installed. Of course, that is not a guarantee, but if the users exist and
their objects do not, what kind of clean up job was done in the first place? If
necessary, you can reinstall both users and their objects automatically (stored
in the SYSAUX tablespace) via DBCA or by using canned scripts. See the
respective developer guides for installation instructions.

As always, taking a backup
of your database is a prudent measure. Obtain version 1.6 from OTN (
and extract the contents of the zip file. Navigate to the htmldb folder. In
that folder, you will see the htmldbins.sql file. The command line syntax you
will use is:

sqlplus sys/<password> as sysdba @htmldbins password sysaux sysaux temp /i/ none

where "none"
indicates a local installation and password is the HTML DB administrator’s
password. The htmldbins script accomplishes the following in addition to a
fresh installation:

Note: If at all possible,
use the same HTML DB password during this step. If you use a new or different
password, you will have more work to perform after the basic installation is

The "/i/" parameter
refers to an images directory, and assuming you are following along using a 10g
database and your original HTML DB installation, replacing the images folder
will be quite easy (more on that later). Upon initiating the script, you will
see a considerable amount of text output (and hopefully with lots of "No
errors" lines).

The time to complete took
almost 12 minutes, and the most important output of all is "Upgrade completed
successfully no errors encountered."

In your original (version
1.5) HTML DB installation, there is an images folder which must be replaced
with the one under the htmldb folder (where the htmldbins script was just run
from). The 1.6 installation guide recommends renaming the original in case you
need to revert to it. Where is the installed images folder? Look for the
marvel.conf file and confirm the location of your images folder. My original
HTML DB installation path is c:\oracle\product\10.1.0, so locating the
marvel.conf file was easy.

After the rename and copy

Assuming no password changes
are required, you should be able to start OPMN and try out the upgraded version
of HTML DB. Start the process manager (Windows service) or use the opmnctl
startall command (a status check is shown below).

Optional – Installing the Patch

If you have access to
MetaLink, this is the page (same for other platforms) you are looking for:

The bugs are minor and none
of them seems to have anything to do with a Web service.

Steve Callan
Steve Callan
Steve is an Oracle DBA (OCP 8i and 9i)/developer working in Denver. His Oracle experience also includes Forms and Reports, Oracle9iAS and Oracle9iDS.

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