SQL Mail with SQL Server 6.5

How to install a Microsoft.
Exchange(tm) Client so SQL Server can send and receive mail:

Created by Mike Culver — see his web site for additional info on SQL 6.5 and 7.0: http://www.realworldinfo.com/techinfo/

  1. In User Manager for domains, connect to the local
    account database on the NT server where SQL
    Server is installed.
  2. Create an NT user account to be used by SQL
    Server to log into the network. Make sure the
    account has "Password Never Expires
    checked" and does NOT have "User Must
    Change Password at next logon" checked.
  3. Make the NT account a part of the local
    administrators group on the server where SQL
    Server is installed. You could use the local
    Administrator account for this purpose, as long
    as this account will not be sending and receiving
    mail independently of SQL Server’s mail client.
  4. Make sure that the new account is part of the
    same domain from where the exchange mailboxes are
    being created, or that there is a trust
    relationship with that domain.
  5. Still in User Manager for Domains, choose the
    Policies menu and select User Rights. In the User
    Rights dialog, select the "Show Advanced
    User Rights" checkbox.
  6. In the "Right" list box, choose
    "Act As Part Of the Operating System."
    Add the account SQL Server is using to log into
    NT to the "Grant To" list box. Repeat
    this process for the "Increase Quotas"
    right, the "Log On As a Service" right,
    and the "Replace a Process Level Token"
    right. SQL Server must have all of these rights
    when using other than the Localsystem account.
    Exit User Manager for Domains.
  7. In the Exchange Administrator, create a new
    mailbox for SQL Server, specifying the new NT
    account SQL Server will use to log into the
  8. Go to Control Panel, Services on the server where
    SQL Server is installed; alternatively, run the
    Server Manager utility from the Administrative
    Tools program group, choose the NT server where
    SQL Server is installed and open the Services
    utility. In the Services list box, choose the
    MSSQLSERVER service. Press the Startup
    button. SQL Server probably is logged into the
    network as the System Account.
  9. Choose "Log on as This account." The
    LOCALSYSTEM account will probably be in the
    "log on as this account" text box.
    Press the ellipse button (the three dots) to go
    to the List Accounts dialog, and choose the
    account that you just created for SQL Server to
    log into the network. Change the password and
    exit out of the Startup dialog.
  10. Stop and Restart the MSSQLSERVER service to have
    SQL Server log into the network under the new
  11. At the NT server where SQL Server is installed,
    log in to NT as the account that was just created
    for SQL Server, making sure the correct domain is
  12. Install the Exchange client on the NT server.
  13. While still logged into NT as SQL Server’s new
    account, run the Exchange client for the first
    time. Go through the Wizard to set up a new
  14. When the profile has been created and you are
    running the Exchange client, go to the Tools menu
    and select Options. Choose the Delivery tab.
  15. Make sure the "Deliver To" setting is
    "Mailbox-name" where name is the name
    you chose during profile setup for the Exchange
    mailbox. If the "deliver to" setting is
    "personal folders" then SQL Mail will
    not work correctly.
  16. Verify that the Exchange client can send and
    receive mail. Correct any lack of permissions
    that is preventing mail from being sent or
    received. You can then exit out of the Exchange
  17. Go to Control Panel on this NT server where SQL
    Server is installed, and run the Mail and Fax
    utility. Choose "Show Profiles."
  18. Make sure the profile just created from the
    Exchange client is the profile to be used as the
    default when running Exchange. Make a note of the
    name of this profile. Exit from Control Panel.
  19. Run SQL Enterprise Manager. Log into the SQL
    Server by drilling down on the "+" icon
    next to the server name. Right-mouse-button click
    on the SQL Mail icon and choose Configure.
  20. You will be prompted for the name of the Exchange
    profile that SQL Server is to use. Type in the
    name of the profile that you just made a note of
    in Control Panel, e.g., "MS Exchange
  21. Right-mouse-button click on the SQL Mail icon
    again and this time choose Start. If the SQL Mail
    icon turns green then SQL Server’s mail client is
    running and can send and receive mail.
  22. If SQL Mail fails to start, go to the NT
    Application Event log and check on the error. If
    it is a "MAPI logon failure" that means
    that SQL Mail was not able to log into the
    Exchange server. If you were able to send and
    receive mail through the Exchange client when
    testing it interactively, then 99% of the time
    this is a network permissions problem, meaning
    that SQL Server doesn’t have permissions on the
    network to get to the Exchange server. Make sure
    that SQL Server has been stopped and restarted
    since changing its logon settings and make sure
    that that SQL Server’s NT user account has
    permissions on the network to get to the Exchange
    server. It should have, if you can send and
    receive mail from the Exchange client.

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