Inventorying hardware and OS information on all SQL Servers

Whenever database administrators begin new jobs or to administer and manage new SQL servers,
the first step is to
take inventory of the server. This includes information like Operating
system, Service packs, physical memory, virtual memory etc. In this article, I explain
how to collect such information using VB Script and WMI.


Windows operating system which supports WMI and the user-id that is used to
login to the machine where you will run the script must have the necessary permissions
to all of the servers listed in the serverlist.txt.


a folder, c:Inventory, and under that folder create the file "Serverlist.txt,"
as shown below. Serverlist.txt contains a list of server names about which you
would like to collect information.




Note: Change the server names according to
your environment


Create the VB
Script file, c:InventoryCollectInventory.vbs, and copy and paste the below
code into it. (Download CollectInventory.vbs)

‘Objective: Collect Inventory and write to a .csv file
‘Author: MAK
‘Date: Apr 2, 2002
‘on error resume next
Set iFSO = CreateObject(“Scripting.FilesyStemObject”)
Set oFSO = CreateObject(“Scripting.FilesyStemObject”)
Outputfile=”c:InventoryInventorylist_” + cstr(Month(now()))+”_”+cstr(day(now()))+”.csv”
Set ofile = ofso.createTextFile(OutputFile, True)
Set ifile = iFSO.OpenTextFile(inputfile)
ofile.writeline “ServerName,CurrentTimeZone,DaylightInEffect,Description,Domain,InstallDate,
Do until ifile.AtEndOfLine
Server= ifile.ReadLine
Set objWMIService = GetObject(“winmgmts:\” & server& “rootcimv2”)
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery(“Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem”,,48)
For Each objItem in colItems
if isnull(server)=true then A=”” else A= server end if
‘if isnull(objItem.Caption)=true then B=”” else B=objItem.Caption end if
if isnull(objItem.CurrentTimeZone)=true then C=”” else C=cstr(objItem.CurrentTimeZone) end if
if isnull(objItem.DaylightInEffect)=true then D=”” else D= cstr(objItem.DaylightInEffect) end if
if isnull(objItem.Description)=true then E=”” else E=objItem.Description end if
if isnull(objItem.Domain)=true then F=”” else F=objItem.Domain end if
if isnull(objItem.InstallDate)=true then G=”” else G=cstr(objItem.InstallDate) end if
if isnull(objItem.Manufacturer)=true then H=”” else H=objItem.Manufacturer end if
if isnull(objItem.Model)=true then I=”” else I=objItem.Model end if
if isnull(objItem.Name)=true then J=”” else J=objItem.Name end if
if isnull(objItem.NetworkServerModeEnabled )=true then K=””
else K=objItem.NetworkServerModeEnabled end if
if isnull(objItem.NumberOfProcessors)=true then L=””
else L=cstr(objItem.NumberOfProcessors) end if
if isnull(objItem.Status)=true then M=”” else M=objItem.Status end if
if isnull(objItem.SystemStartupDelay )=true then N=””
else N=cstr(objItem.SystemStartupDelay) end if
if isnull(objItem.SystemStartupSetting)=true then P=””
else P=objItem.SystemStartupSetting end if
if isnull(objItem.SystemType)=true then Q=”” else Q=objItem.SystemType end if
if isnull(objItem.TotalPhysicalMemory)=true then R=””
else R=cstr(objItem.TotalPhysicalMemory) end if
if isnull(objItem.UserName)=true then S=”” else S=objItem.UserName end if
Set objWMIService =NOTHING
Set colItems =NOTHING
Set objWMIService = GetObject(“winmgmts:\” & server & “rootcimv2”)
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery(“Select * from Win32_LogicalMemoryConfiguration”,,48)
For Each objItem in colItems
if isnull(objItem.AvailableVirtualMemory)=true then T=””
else T=cstr(objItem.AvailableVirtualMemory) end if
if isnull(objItem.TotalPageFileSpace)=true then U=””
else U=cstr(objItem.TotalPageFileSpace) end if
if isnull(objItem.TotalPhysicalMemory)=true then V=””
else V=cstr(objItem.TotalPhysicalMemory) end if
if isnull(objItem.TotalVirtualMemory)=true then W=””
else W=cstr(objItem.TotalVirtualMemory) end if
Set objWMIService =NOTHING
Set colItems =NOTHING
Set objWMIService = GetObject(“winmgmts:\” & server & “rootcimv2”)
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery(“Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem”,,48)
For Each objItem in colItems
if isnull(objItem.Name)=true then X=”” else X=objItem.Name end if
if isnull(objItem.SerialNumber)=true then Y=”” else Y=cstr(objItem.SerialNumber) end if
if isnull(objItem.ServicePackMajorVersion)=true then Z=””
else Z=CSTR(objItem.ServicePackMajorVersion) end if
if isnull(objItem.ServicePackMinorVersion)=true
then AA=”” else AA=CSTR(objItem.ServicePackMinorVersion) end if
if isnull(objItem.SystemDevice)=true then AB=”” else AB=cstr(objItem.SystemDevice) end if
if isnull(objItem.SystemDirectory)=true then AC=”” else AC=objItem.SystemDirectory end if
if isnull(objItem.Version)=true then AD=”” else AD=CSTR(objItem.Version) end if
if isnull(objItem.WindowsDirectory)=true then AE=”” else AE=objItem.WindowsDirectory end if

ofile.writeline A & “,” & C & “,” & D & “,” & E & “,” & F & “,” & G & “,
” & H & “,” & I & “,” & J & “,” & K & “,” & L & “,” & M & “,
” & N & “,” & P & “,” & Q & “,” & R & “,” & S & “,” & T & “,
” & U & “,” & V & “,” & W & “,” & X & “,” & Y & “,” & Z & “,
” & AA & “,” & AB & “,” & AC & “,” & AD & “,” & AE
msgbox “Inventory COmpleted”

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